Multifaceted Mrs. was created by Sharon Doe, whose identity has encompassed the following titles:
Wife | Mother | Caregiver | Employee | Entrepreneur | College & Graduate School Student | Playmate |Counselor | Confidant | Homegirl | Lover | Cleaning Lady | Home Economist | Runner | Minimalist | Etcetera, etcetera…
The list can go on and on without end. Women typically feel that they have to be everything to everyone and often they either forget to take time out for themselves. In general, they’re just too tired to indulge in self-care after having put themselves on the “back-burner” and making sure the needs of others are met. While becoming the “All” can be engrafted into our personality, identity, and expectations it is a disservice for us to lose ourselves in the process. You are strong. You are valuable. You are a Multifaced Mrs.
“You are everything and enough”
– Sharon Doe
Multifaceted Mrs. was created to share the heart and experiences of women that often feel the responsibility of being everything to everyone all of the time. Wives sometimes are expected to just handle it all – be romantic, keep a clean home, give the kids the attention they need, tend to the chores and be sweet and pleasant all while doing so. I believe many women would love to exhibit grace and class while seemingly having it all together. Truth is, we get tired, too. We need support. We need people that understand and can relate to the issues we face day in and day out as multitasking-mommies, super-wives, teachers, cleaning service, chef, playmate, caregiver, and lover. So I invite you to share in this journey as I become transparent and share what life is really like being a Multifaceted Mrs! Be encouraged and know that “You are everything and Enough“.